Political Communication


Advertising, public relations, marketing: political competition

The political competition takes place mainly in the sphere of communications, through the media but not only.
Insight Revolution It offers a series of services aimed at movements, political parties and candidates at various institutional levels.

Electoral Marketing
Election campaigns have the frenetic pace and are characterized by an overabundance of communication that often confuses voters. Being noticed and especially put in evidence is increasingly difficult, Given his limited time.
Rely on experts to stand out from other candidates.

Marketing and Communication Policy
The electoral contests are just a moment in which they often collect the results of years of work. Choose the voters target, go to those with even a proper message than the other competitor it is increasingly important.
Insight Revolution plans detailing the most suitable communication strategies.

Press and Public Relations
Winning is not enough. Occupy in the best way an institutional role is crucial to consolidate their positions and aim for confirmation in those contexts in which the law permits. It is often not enough work well unless you have the ability to communicate to the outside in the best way its activities.
Insight Revolution, through the press office, ghost writing, relationship with media and various public, worries that reaches outside the optimal image.